
spec/helpers / home_helper_spec.rb

158 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
11 churn
337.83 complexity
133 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe HomeHelper, type: :helper do describe "#no_petitions_yet?" do let(:connection) { Petition.connection } let(:sql) { /^SELECT COUNT/ } it "performs a count query" do
  1. describe(#no_petitions_yet?)::it#performs a count query has a flog score of 25
expect(connection).to receive(:select).with(sql, any_args).and_call_original expect(helper.no_petitions_yet?).to be true end it "it caches the result" do
  1. describe(#no_petitions_yet?)::it#it caches the result has a flog score of 37
expect(connection).to receive(:select).once.with(sql, any_args).and_call_original expect(helper.no_petitions_yet?).to be true expect(helper.no_petitions_yet?).to be true end context "when there are no published petitions" do before do FactoryBot.create(:pending_petition) end it "returns true" do expect(helper.no_petitions_yet?).to be true end end Petition::VISIBLE_STATES.each do |state| context "when there is a #{state} petition" do before do FactoryBot.create(:"#{state}_petition") end it "returns false" do expect(helper.no_petitions_yet?).to be false end end end end describe "#petition_count" do describe "for counting government responses" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
it "returns a HTML-safe string" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_response, 1)).to be_an(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) end context "when the petition count is 1" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_response, 1)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1</span> petition got a response from the Government") end end context "when the petition count is 100" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_response, 100)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">100</span> petitions got a response from the Government") end end context "when the petition count is 1000" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_response, 1000)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1,000</span> petitions got a response from the Government") end end end describe "for counting debated petitions" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
it "returns a HTML-safe string" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_debated_outcome, 1)).to be_an(ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer) end context "when the petition count is 1" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_debated_outcome, 1)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1</span> petition was debated in the House of Commons") end end context "when the petition count is 100" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_debated_outcome, 100)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">100</span> petitions were debated in the House of Commons") end end context "when the petition count is 1000" do it "returns a correctly formatted petition count" do expect(helper.petition_count(:with_debated_outcome, 1000)).to eq("<span class=\"count\">1,000</span> petitions were debated in the House of Commons") end end end end describe "#any_actioned_petitions?" do let!(:pending_petition) { FactoryBot.create :pending_petition } let!(:hidden_petition) { FactoryBot.create :hidden_petition } let!(:open_petition) { FactoryBot.create :open_petition } describe "when there is an actioned petition" do let!(:responded_petition) { FactoryBot.create :responded_petition } it "returns true" do expect(helper.any_actioned_petitions?).to eq true end end describe "when there are no actioned petitions" do it "returns false" do expect(helper.any_actioned_petitions?).to eq false end end end describe "#trending_petitions" do
  1. describe##trending_petitions has a flog score of 25
let(:trending) { double(Petition) } before do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
allow(Petition).to receive(:trending).and_return(trending) allow(trending).to receive(:pluck).and_return(petitions) end around do |example| without_cache(:trending_petitions, expires_in: 500) { example.run } end context "when trending petitions is disabled" do let(:petitions) { [[1, "Petition Action", 1000]] } before do allow(Site).to receive(:disable_trending_petitions?).and_return(true) end it "doesn't yield" do expect { |b| helper.trending_petitions(&b) }.not_to yield_control end end context "when trending petitions is enabled" do before do allow(Site).to receive(:disable_trending_petitions?).and_return(false) end context "and there are no trending petitions" do let(:petitions) { [] } it "doesn't yield" do expect { |b| helper.trending_petitions(&b) }.not_to yield_control end end context "and there are trending petitions" do let(:petitions) { [[1, "Petition Action", 1000]] } it "yields the trending petitions" do expect { |b| helper.trending_petitions(&b) }.to yield_with_args([[1, "Petition Action", 1000]]) end end end end end