
spec/helpers / page_title_helper_spec.rb

141 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
8 churn
163.0 complexity
132 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe PageTitleHelper, type: :helper do before do I18n.backend.store_translations(:fr, translations) end around do |example| begin locale, I18n.locale = I18n.locale, :fr example.run ensure I18n.locale = locale end end let :translations do { page_titles: { default: "Une pétition au Parlement", pages: { index: "Une pétition au Parlement - vers le bas avec ce genre de chose" }, local_petitions: { index: { zero: "Local pour vous - Pétitions", one: "Pétitions à %{postcode}" }, show: "Pétitions à %{constituency}" }, petitions: { default: "Voir toutes les pétitions", show: "%{petition} - Pétitions" }, sponsors: { new: "La pétition de soutien %{creator} - Pétitions" }}} end describe "#page_title" do context "when the controller and action keys exist" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do params[:controller] = "pages" params[:action] = "index" end it "uses the key 'page_titles.controller.action'" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Une pétition au Parlement - vers le bas avec ce genre de chose") end end context "when the action key doesn't exist" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do params[:controller] = "petitions" params[:action] = "unknown" end it "uses the key 'page_titles.controller.default'" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Voir toutes les pétitions") end end context "when the controller and action keys don't exist" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do params[:controller] = "unknown" params[:action] = "unknown" end it "uses the key 'page_titles.default'" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Une pétition au Parlement") end end context "when there is a petition assigned" do let(:creator) { double(:signature, name: "Jacques Cousteau") } let(:petition) do double(:petition, creator: creator, action: "Ban devoirs pour les enfants de l'école primaire" ) end before do assign("petition", petition) end it "the petition action is available for interpolation" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
params[:controller] = "petitions" params[:action] = "show" expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Ban devoirs pour les enfants de l'école primaire - Pétitions") end it "the petition creator is available for interpolation" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
params[:controller] = "sponsors" params[:action] = "new" expect(helper.page_title).to eq("La pétition de soutien Jacques Cousteau - Pétitions") end end context "when on the local petitions index page without a postcode" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do params[:controller] = "local_petitions" params[:action] = "index" end it "uses the :zero option from the translation" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Local pour vous - Pétitions") end end context "when on the local petitions index page with a postcode" do let(:postcode) { "XM45HQ" } before do params[:controller] = "local_petitions" params[:action] = "index" assign('postcode', postcode) end it "the formatted postcode is available for interpolation" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Pétitions à XM4 5HQ") end end context "when on the local petitions show page" do let(:constituency) { double(:constituency, name: "Paris") } before do params[:controller] = "local_petitions" params[:action] = "show" assign('constituency', constituency) end it "the constituency name is available for interpolation" do expect(helper.page_title).to eq("Pétitions à Paris") end end end end