
spec/helpers / search_helper_spec.rb

153 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
11 churn
271.46 complexity
72 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe SearchHelper, type: :helper do describe "#paginate" do let(:page_stubs) do { total_pages: 3, previous_link: "/petitions?page=1&state=all", next_link: "/petitions?state=all", model: Petition } end context "when viewing the first page of the petitions search results" do let(:first_page_stubs) do { first_page?: true, last_page?: false, previous_params: { state: :all, page: nil }, next_params: { state: :all, page: 2 }, previous_page: nil, next_page: 2, } end let(:petitions) { double('petitions', page_stubs.merge(first_page_stubs)) } it "adds a link to the next page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "Next" end it "does not add a link to the previous page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).not_to include "Previous" end it "adds the correct number range for the next page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "2 of 3" end end context "when viewing an intermediary page of the petitions search results" do let(:intermediary_page_stubs) do { first_page?: false, last_page?: false, previous_params: { state: :all, page: 1 }, next_params: { state: :all, page: 3 }, previous_page: 1, next_page: 3, } end let(:petitions) { double('petitions', page_stubs.merge(intermediary_page_stubs)) } it "adds a link to the next page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "Next" end it "adds a link to the previous page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "Previous" end it "adds the correct number range for the next page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "3 of 3" end it "adds the correct number range for the previous page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "1 of 3" end end context "when viewing the last page of the petitions search results" do let(:last_page_stubs) do { first_page?: false, last_page?: true, previous_params: { state: :all, page: 2 }, next_params: { state: :all, page: nil }, previous_page: 2, next_page: nil, } end let(:petitions) { double('petitions', page_stubs.merge(last_page_stubs)) } it "does not add a link to the next page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).not_to include "Next" end it "adds a link to the previous page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "Previous" end it "adds the correct number range for the previous page" do expect(paginate(petitions)).to include "2 of 3" end end end describe "#filtered_petition_count" do context 'when search term is not present' do it 'renders correctly with > 1 results' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
petitions = double('petitions', total_entries: 100, "search?" => false) expect(filtered_petition_count(petitions)).to eq("100 petitions") end it 'renders correctly with just 1 result' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
petitions = double('petitions', total_entries: 1, "search?" => false) expect(filtered_petition_count(petitions)).to eq("1 petition") end end context 'when search term is present' do it 'renders correctly with > 1 results' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
petitions = double('petitions', total_entries: 100, "search?" => true) expect(filtered_petition_count(petitions)).to eq("100 results") end it 'renders correctly with just 1 result' do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
petitions = double('petitions', total_entries: 1, "search?" => true) expect(filtered_petition_count(petitions)).to eq("1 result") end end end describe "#petition_result_path" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:petition) } subject { helper.petition_result_path(petition) } it "generates the correct url" do expect(subject).to eq("/petitions/#{petition.id}") end context "with an archived petition" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition) } it "generates the correct url" do expect(subject).to eq("/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}") end end context "with options" do let(:options) do { reveal_response: "yes", anchor: 'response-threshold' } end subject { helper.petition_result_path(petition, options) } it "generates the correct url" do expect(subject).to eq("/petitions/#{petition.id}?reveal_response=yes#response-threshold") end end end end