
spec/jobs / archive_signatures_job_spec.rb

216 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
8 churn
633.09 complexity
247 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ArchiveSignaturesJob, type: :job do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_petition, sponsors_signed: true) } let(:archived_petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, id: petition.id) } let(:archived_signature) { archived_petition.signatures.last } it "copies every signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
expect { described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) }.to change { archived_petition.signatures.count }.from(0).to(6) end it "marks every signature as archived" do
  1. it#marks every signature as archived has a flog score of 26
expect { described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) }.to change { petition.signatures.unarchived.count }.from(6).to(0) end it "schedules a new job if it doesn't finish archiving" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition, limit: 2) }.to change { enqueued_jobs.size }.from(0).to(1) end it "marks the petition as archived if it finishes archiving" do
  1. it#marks the petition as archived if it finishes archiving has a flog score of 29
expect { described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) }.to change { petition.archived_at }.from(nil).to(be_within(1.second).of(Time.current)) end context "with the creator signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { archived_petition.signatures.first } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it "assigns the creator attribute" do expect(signature).to be_creator end end context "with a sponsor signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { archived_petition.signatures.second } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it "assigns the sponsor attribute" do expect(signature).to be_sponsor end end shared_examples_for "a copied signature" do it "copies the attributes of the signature" do
  1. shared_examples_for(a copied signature)::it#copies the attributes of the signature has a flog score of 182
expect(archived_signature.uuid).to eq(signature.uuid) expect(archived_signature.state).to eq(signature.state) expect(archived_signature.number).to eq(signature.number) expect(archived_signature.name).to eq(signature.name) expect(archived_signature.email).to eq(signature.email) expect(archived_signature.postcode).to eq(signature.postcode) expect(archived_signature.location_code).to eq(signature.location_code) expect(archived_signature.constituency_id).to eq(signature.constituency_id) expect(archived_signature.ip_address).to eq(signature.ip_address) expect(archived_signature.perishable_token).to eq(signature.perishable_token) expect(archived_signature.unsubscribe_token).to eq(signature.unsubscribe_token) expect(archived_signature.notify_by_email).to eq(signature.notify_by_email) expect(archived_signature.created_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.created_at) expect(archived_signature.updated_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.updated_at) end it "is persisted" do expect(archived_signature.persisted?).to eq(true) end end context "with a pending signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" end context "with a validated signature" do let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, number: 7) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the validated_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.validated_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.validated_at) end end context "with an invalidated signature" do let!(:invalidation) { FactoryBot.create(:invalidation, name: "Jo Public") } let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:invalidated_signature, petition: petition, invalidation: invalidation) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the invalidation assocation" do expect(archived_signature.invalidation_id).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.invalidation_id) end it "copies the invalidated_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.invalidated_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.invalidated_at) end end context "with a fradulent signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:fraudulent_signature, petition: petition) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" end context "with a signature that has been notified about a government response" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, government_response_email_at: 4.weeks.ago) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the government_response_email_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.government_response_email_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.government_response_email_at) end end context "with a signature that has been notified about a scheduled debate" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, debate_scheduled_email_at: 4.weeks.ago) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the debate_scheduled_email_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.debate_scheduled_email_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.debate_scheduled_email_at) end end context "with a signature that has been notified about a debate outcome" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, debate_outcome_email_at: 4.weeks.ago) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the debate_outcome_email_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.debate_outcome_email_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.debate_outcome_email_at) end end context "with a signature that has been notified about a other business" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition, petition_email_at: 4.weeks.ago) } before do described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "copies the petition_email_at timestamp" do expect(archived_signature.petition_email_at).to be_usec_precise_with(signature.petition_email_at) end end context "with a signature that has invalid attributes" do let!(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition) } before do signature.update_column(:location_code, nil) signature.reload described_class.perform_now(petition, archived_petition) end it_behaves_like "a copied signature" it "the original signature is invalid" do expect(signature.valid?).to eq(false) end it "the archived signature is invalid" do expect(signature.valid?).to eq(false) end end end