
spec/jobs / backfill_signature_uuids_job_spec.rb

43 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
5 churn
79.74 complexity
93 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe BackfillSignatureUuidsJob, type: :job do context "when the uuid column is nil" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:signature, email: "alice@example.com") } let(:uuid) { "6613a3fd-c2c4-5bc2-a6de-3dc0b2527dd6" } before do signature.update_column(:uuid, nil) signature.reload expect_any_instance_of(Signature).to receive(:update_uuid).and_call_original end it "updates the uuid column" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { signature.reload.uuid }.from(nil).to(uuid) end end context "when the uuid column is not nil" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:signature, email: "bob@example.com") } let(:uuid) { "6613a3fd-c2c4-5bc2-a6de-3dc0b2527dd6" } before do signature.update_column(:uuid, uuid) signature.reload expect_any_instance_of(Signature).not_to receive(:update_uuid) end it "skips updating the uuid column" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { signature.reload.uuid } end end end