
spec/jobs / delete_petition_job_spec.rb

177 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
4 churn
340.46 complexity
87 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe DeletePetitionJob, type: :job do before do FactoryBot.create(:constituency, :london_and_westminster) FactoryBot.create(:location, code: "GB", name: "United Kingdom") end context "with a stopped petition" do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:stopped_petition) } it "destroys the petition" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Petition.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "with a closed petition" do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_petition, sponsors_signed: true, state: "closed", closed_at: 4.weeks.ago) } let!(:country_petition_journal) { FactoryBot.create(:country_petition_journal, petition: petition) } let!(:constituency_petition_journal) { FactoryBot.create(:constituency_petition_journal, petition: petition) } it "destroys the petition" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Petition.count }.from(1).to(0) end it "destroys the signatures" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Signature.count }.from(6).to(0) end it "destroys the country journals" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { CountryPetitionJournal.count }.from(1).to(0) end it "destroys the constituency journals" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { ConstituencyPetitionJournal.count }.from(1).to(0) end context "when the petition has a note" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do FactoryBot.create(:note, petition: petition) end it "destroys the associated note" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Note.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "when the petition has an email" do before do FactoryBot.create(:petition_email, petition: petition) FactoryBot.create(:email_requested_receipt, petition: petition) end it "destroys the associated email" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Petition::Email.count }.from(1).to(0) end it "destroys the associated email requested receipt" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { EmailRequestedReceipt.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "when the petition has a government response" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do FactoryBot.create(:government_response, petition: petition) end it "destroys the associated government response" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { GovernmentResponse.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "when the petition has a debate outcome" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do FactoryBot.create(:debate_outcome, petition: petition) end it "destroys the associated debate outcome" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { DebateOutcome.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "when the petition has an invalidation" do before do FactoryBot.create(:invalidation, petition: petition) end it "doesn't destroy the associated invalidation" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.not_to change { Invalidation.count } end end end context "with a rejected petition" do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:rejected_petition) } it "destroys the petition" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Petition.count }.from(1).to(0) end it "destroys the associated rejection" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Rejection.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context "with a hidden petition" do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:rejected_petition, rejection_code: "libellous") } it "destroys the petition" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Petition.count }.from(1).to(0) end it "destroys the associated rejection" do expect { described_class.perform_now(petition) }.to change { Rejection.count }.from(1).to(0) end end end