
spec/jobs / fetch_petition_register_job_spec.rb

182 lines of codes
3 methods
77.2 complexity/method
6 churn
231.54 complexity
40 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe FetchCountryRegisterJob, type: :job do def stub_register stub_request(:get, "https://country.register.gov.uk/records.json?page-size=500") end def json_response(body = "{}") {status: 200, headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, body: body} end def json_error(status = 404, body = "{}") {status: status, headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, body: body} end context "when a country does not exist" do before do stub_register.to_return json_response <<-JSON { "GB" : { "index-entry-number": "6", "entry-number": "6", "entry-timestamp": "2016-04-05T13:23:05Z", "key": "GB", "item": [{ "citizen-names": "Briton;British citizen", "country": "GB", "name": "United Kingdom", "official-name": "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "start-date": "1707-05-01", "end-date": "2017-12-31" }] } } JSON end it "creates a record" do expect { perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } }.to change { Location.count }.by(1) end describe "attribute assignment" do let(:location) { Location.find_by!(code: "GB") } before do perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } end it "assigns 'country' to Location#code" do expect(location.code).to eq("GB") end it "assigns 'name' to Location#name" do expect(location.name).to eq("United Kingdom") end it "assigns 'start-date' to Location#start_date" do expect(location.start_date).to eq(Date.civil(1707, 5, 1)) end it "assigns 'end-date' to Location#end_date" do expect(location.end_date).to eq(Date.civil(2017, 12, 31)) end end end context "when a country does exist" do before do FactoryBot.create(:location, code: "GB") stub_register.to_return json_response <<-JSON { "GB" : { "index-entry-number": "6", "entry-number": "6", "entry-timestamp": "2016-04-05T13:23:05Z", "key": "GB", "item": [{ "citizen-names": "Briton;British citizen", "country": "GB", "name": "United Kingdom", "official-name": "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "start-date": "1707-05-01", "end-date": "2017-12-31" }] } } JSON end it "updates an existing record" do expect { perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } }.not_to change { Location.count } end describe "attribute assignment" do let(:location) { Location.find_by!(code: "GB") } before do perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } end it "updates Location#name" do expect(location.name).to eq("United Kingdom") end it "updates Location#start_date" do expect(location.start_date).to eq(Date.civil(1707, 5, 1)) end it "updates Location#end_date" do expect(location.end_date).to eq(Date.civil(2017, 12, 31)) end end end context "when a country does not change" do let(:location) { Location.find_by!(code: "GB") } before do FactoryBot.create(:location, code: "GB", name: "United Kingdom") stub_register.to_return json_response <<-JSON { "GB" : { "index-entry-number": "6", "entry-number": "6", "entry-timestamp": "2016-04-05T13:23:05Z", "key": "GB", "item": [{ "citizen-names": "Briton;British citizen", "country": "GB", "name": "United Kingdom", "official-name": "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" }] } } JSON end it "doesn't update an existing record" do expect { perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } }.not_to change { location.reload.updated_at } end end context "when the API returns an error" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do stub_register.to_return json_error end it "captures the error" do perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq(0) end it "notifies Appsignal" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(an_instance_of(Faraday::ResourceNotFound)) perform_enqueued_jobs { described_class.perform_later } end end end