
spec/jobs / import_constituencies_job_spec.rb

164 lines of codes
2 methods
167.1 complexity/method
2 churn
334.29 complexity
88 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ImportConstituenciesJob, type: :job do def stub_api stub_request(:get, "http://data.parliament.uk/membersdataplatform/services/mnis/ReferenceData/Constituencies/") end def reference_data_response(status, body = nil, &block)
  1. reference_data_response has approx 6 statements
status = Rack::Utils.status_code(status) headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } if block_given? body = block.call elsif body body = File.read(Rails.root.join("spec", "fixtures", "#{body}.json")) else body = "{}" end { status: status, headers: headers, body: body } end context "when the request is successful" do shared_examples_for "a job that imports constituencies" do it "imports constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { Constituency.count } end describe "attribute assignment" do let(:constituency) { Constituency.first } let(:constituencies) { Constituency.pluck(:name) } before do described_class.perform_now end it "doesn't import old constituencies" do expect(constituencies).not_to include("Aberavon") end it "imports constituencies without an end date" do
  1. context(when the request is successful)::shared_examples_for(a job that imports constituencies)::describe(attribute assignment)::it#imports constituencies without an end date has a flog score of 30
expect(constituencies).to include("Bethnal Green and Bow") expect(constituencies).to include("Coventry North East") expect(constituencies).to include("Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough") end it "assigns the constituency id" do expect(constituency.external_id).to eq("3320") end it "assigns the constituency name" do expect(constituency.name).to eq("Bethnal Green and Bow") end it "assigns the constituency ONS code" do expect(constituency.ons_code).to eq("E14000555") end it "assigns the constituency example postcode" do expect(constituency.example_postcode).to eq("E18FF") end end describe "updating constituencies" do let!(:constituency) { FactoryBot.create(:constituency, :bethnal_green_and_bow) } before do stub_api_request_for("E18FF").to_return(api_response(:ok, "bethnal_green_and_bow")) end it "updates the constituency" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.to change { constituency.reload.example_postcode }.from("E27AX").to("E18FF") end end describe "error handling" do context "when a record fails to save" do let!(:constituency) { FactoryBot.create(:constituency, :bethnal_green_and_bow) } let(:exception) { ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid.new(constituency) } it "notifies Appsignal of the failure" do
  1. context(when the request is successful)::shared_examples_for(a job that imports constituencies)::describe(error handling)::context(when a record fails to save)::it#notifies Appsignal of the failure has a flog score of 39
expect(Constituency).to receive(:find_or_initialize_by).with(external_id: "3320").and_return(constituency) expect(constituency).to receive(:save!).and_raise(exception) expect(Appsignal).to receive(:send_exception).with(exception) described_class.perform_now end end end end context "and the API returns a response with a BOM" do before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:ok, "constituencies_bom")) end it_behaves_like "a job that imports constituencies" end context "and the API returns a response without a BOM" do before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:ok, "constituencies_no_bom")) end it_behaves_like "a job that imports constituencies" end end context "when the request is unsuccessful" do context "because the API is not responding" do before do stub_api.to_timeout end it "doesn't import any constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { Constituency.count } end end context "because the API connection is blocked" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:proxy_authentication_required)) end it "doesn't import any constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { Constituency.count } end end context "because the API can't be found" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:not_found)) end it "doesn't import any constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { Constituency.count } end end context "because the API can't find the resource" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:not_acceptable)) end it "doesn't import any constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { Constituency.count } end end context "because the API is returning an internal server error" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api.to_return(reference_data_response(:internal_server_error)) end it "doesn't import any constituencies" do expect { described_class.perform_now }.not_to change { Constituency.count } end end end end