
spec/jobs / shared_examples.rb

257 lines of codes
1 methods
549.3 complexity/method
10 churn
549.31 complexity
18 duplications
RSpec.shared_examples_for "job to enqueue signatory mailing jobs" do let(:requested_at) { Time.current.change(usec: 0) } let(:requested_at_as_string) { requested_at.getutc.iso8601(6) } def do_work subject.perform(petition: petition, requested_at: requested_at_as_string) end describe '.run_later_tonight' do let(:petition_gid) { { "_aj_globalid" => petition.to_global_id.to_s } } let(:queue_size) { enqueued_jobs.size } let(:enqueued_job) { enqueued_jobs.first } let(:job_class) { enqueued_job[:job] } let(:queued_at) { enqueued_job[:at] } let(:job_arguments) { enqueued_job[:args][0] } let(:window_duration) { 240.minutes + 60.seconds } let(:window_start) { requested_at.end_of_day.to_f } let(:window_end) { window_start + window_duration.to_f } let(:execution_window) { window_start..window_end } around do |example| travel_to requested_at do example.run end end before do described_class.run_later_tonight(**arguments) end it 'queues up a job' do expect(queue_size).to eq 1 expect(job_class).to eq described_class end it 'sets the job to run between midnight and 4am tomorrow' do expect(queued_at).to be_in(execution_window) end it 'queues up the job to run with the petition and timestamp supplied as args' do expect(job_arguments['petition']).to eq petition_gid expect(job_arguments['requested_at']).to eq requested_at_as_string end end context "when the petition has not been updated" do it "enqueues a job to send an email to each signatory" do do_work expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq(1) end it "the job is the correct type for the type of notification" do do_work job = enqueued_jobs.first expect(job[:job]).to eq(subject.email_delivery_job_class) end it "the job has the expected arguments" do
  1. context(when the petition has not been updated)::it#the job has the expected arguments has a flog score of 30
do_work args = enqueued_jobs.first[:args].first expect(args["timestamp_name"]).to eq(subject.timestamp_name) expect(args["requested_at"]).to eq(requested_at_as_string) end end context "when the petition has been updated" do before do petition.set_email_requested_at_for(subject.timestamp_name, to: requested_at + 5.minutes ) end it "does not enqueue any jobs to send emails" do do_work expect(enqueued_jobs).to be_empty end end end RSpec.shared_examples_for "a job to send an signatory email" do let(:job) { described_class.new(arguments) } context "when the petition has not been updated" do let(:mail_object) { double(:mail_object) } it "uses the correct mailer to generate the email" do expect(job).to receive(:create_email).and_call_original job.perform_now end it "delivers the email returned by #create_email" do expect(job).to receive(:create_email).and_return(mail_object) expect(mail_object).to receive(:deliver_now) job.perform_now end it "does sends the email" do expect { job.perform_now }.to change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :size).by(1) end it "records the email being sent" do
  1. context(when the petition has not been updated)::it#records the email being sent has a flog score of 25
expect { job.perform_now }.to change { signature.reload.get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp_name) }.from(nil).to(requested_at) end context "an email has already been sent for the petition to this signatory" do before do signature.set_email_sent_at_for timestamp_name, to: petition.get_email_requested_at_for(timestamp_name) end it "does not send any email" do expect { job.perform_now }.not_to change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :size) end it "does not record any email being sent" do expect { job.perform_now }.not_to change { signature.reload.get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp_name) } end end context "email sending fails" do shared_examples_for "catching errors during individual email sending" do let(:logger) { job.logger } it "captures the error and doesn't re-raise it" do job.perform_now end it "logs the email sending error as information" do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(/#{Regexp.escape(exception_class.name)}/) job.perform_now end it "does not mark the signature" do expect { job.perform_now }.not_to change { signature.reload.get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp_name) } end end shared_examples_for "retrying the email delivery" do it "retries the job" do expect(job).to receive(:retry_job) job.perform_now end end shared_examples_for "not retrying the email delivery" do it "doesn't retry the job" do expect(job).not_to receive(:retry_job) job.perform_now end end before do expect(job).to receive(:create_email).and_raise(exception_class) end context "with a fatal SMTP error" do let(:exception_class) { Net::SMTPFatalError } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "not retrying the email delivery" end context "with a SMTP syntax error" do let(:exception_class) { Net::SMTPSyntaxError } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "not retrying the email delivery" end context "with SMTP authentication error" do let(:exception_class) { Net::SMTPAuthenticationError } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with SMTP connection timeout" do let(:exception_class) { Net::OpenTimeout } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with SMTP server busy" do let(:exception_class) { Net::SMTPServerBusy } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with connection reset" do let(:exception_class) { Errno::ECONNRESET } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with connection refused" do let(:exception_class) { Errno::ECONNREFUSED } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with connection timeout" do let(:exception_class) { Errno::ETIMEDOUT } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with timeout error" do let(:exception_class) { Timeout::Error } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end context "with socket error" do let(:exception_class) { SocketError } it_behaves_like "catching errors during individual email sending" it_behaves_like "retrying the email delivery" end end end context "when the petition has been updated" do
  1. context#when the petition has been updated has a flog score of 29
before do petition.set_email_requested_at_for(timestamp_name, to: Time.current + 5.minutes ) end it "does not send any email" do expect { job.perform_now }.not_to change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :size) end it "does not record any email being sent" do expect { job.perform_now }.not_to change { signature.reload.get_email_sent_at_for(timestamp_name) } end end end