
spec/mailers/archived / petition_mailer_spec.rb

545 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
6 churn
1089.75 complexity
977 duplications
require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe Archived::PetitionMailer, type: :mailer do let :creator do FactoryBot.create(:archived_signature, name: "Barry Butler", email: "bazbutler@gmail.com", creator: true ) end let(:signer) do FactoryBot.create(:archived_signature, name: "Laura Palmer", email: "laurapalmer@hotmail.com", petition: petition ) end describe "notifying signature of a government response" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :response, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", response_summary: "Sounds like a good idea", response_details: "We’ll get right on that", signature_count: signature_count ) end let(:signature_count) { 15000 } shared_examples_for "a government response email" do it "includes a link to the petition page" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "includes an unsubscribe link" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe\?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}]) end it "has a List-Unsubscribe header" do expect(mail).to have_header("List-Unsubscribe", "<https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}>") end it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("Government responded to “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”") end it "has response summary in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Sounds like a good idea") end it "has response details in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("We’ll get right on that") end it "includes a link to read the response online" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}\?reveal_response=yes]) end context "when the signature count is less than the debate threshold" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature_count) { 12345 } it "includes a message about the committee's response" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response.") expect(mail).to have_body_text("They can press the government for action and gather evidence.") expect(mail).to have_body_text("If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.") end end context "when the signature count is more than the debate threshold" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature_count) { 123456 } it "includes a message about the committee's response" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("This petition has over 100,000 signatures.") expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate.") expect(mail).to have_body_text("They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.") end end end context "when the signature is the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:signature) { creator } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_creator_of_threshold_response(petition, signature) } it_behaves_like "a government response email" it "sends it only to the creator" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of a government response)::context(when the signature is the creator)::it#sends it only to the creator has a flog score of 30
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[bazbutler@gmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Barry Butler,") end it "has the message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Government has responded to your petition") end end context "when the signature is not the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:signature) { signer } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_signer_of_threshold_response(petition, signature) } it_behaves_like "a government response email" it "sends it only to the signer" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of a government response)::context(when the signature is not the creator)::it#sends it only to the signer has a flog score of 30
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[laurapalmer@hotmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Laura Palmer,") end it "has the message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Government has responded to the petition you signed") end end end describe "notifying signature of a debate being scheduled" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :scheduled_for_debate, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", scheduled_debate_date: "2017-09-12" ) end shared_examples_for "a debate scheduled email" do it "includes a link to the petition page" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "includes an unsubscribe link" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe\?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}]) end it "has a List-Unsubscribe header" do expect(mail).to have_header("List-Unsubscribe", "<https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}>") end it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("Parliament will debate “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”") end it "has the scheduled debate date in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("12 September 2017") end end context "when the signature is the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:signature) { creator } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_creator_of_debate_scheduled(petition, signature) } it_behaves_like "a debate scheduled email" it "sends it only to the creator" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of a debate being scheduled)::context(when the signature is the creator)::it#sends it only to the creator has a flog score of 30
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[bazbutler@gmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Barry Butler,") end it "has the message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Parliament is going to debate your petition") end end context "when the signature is not the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:signature) { signer } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_signer_of_debate_scheduled(petition, signature) } it_behaves_like "a debate scheduled email" it "sends it only to the signer" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of a debate being scheduled)::context(when the signature is not the creator)::it#sends it only to the signer has a flog score of 30
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[laurapalmer@hotmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Laura Palmer,") end it "has the message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed") end end end describe "notifying signature of debate outcome" do context "when the signature is the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { creator } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_creator_of_debate_outcome(petition, signature) } shared_examples_for "a debate outcome email" do it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Barry Butler,") end it "sends it only to the creator" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of debate outcome)::context(when the signature is the creator)::shared_examples_for(a debate outcome email)::it#sends it only to the creator has a flog score of 31
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[bazbutler@gmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "includes a link to the petition page" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "includes an unsubscribe link" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe\?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}]) end it "has a List-Unsubscribe header" do expect(mail).to have_header("List-Unsubscribe", "<https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}>") end end shared_examples_for "a positive debate outcome email" do it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("Parliament debated “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”") end it "has the positive message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Parliament debated your petition") end end shared_examples_for "a negative debate outcome email" do it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject('Parliament didn’t debate “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”') end it "has the negative message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Petitions Committee decided not to debate your petition") end end context "when the debate outcome is positive" do context "when the debate outcome is not filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a positive debate outcome email" end context "when the debate outcome is filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", debated_on: "2015-09-24", overview: "Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment", transcript_url: "http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201509/cmhansrd/cm20150924/debtext/20150924-0003.htm#2015092449#000001", video_url: "http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/20150924000001", debate_pack_url: "http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2015-0001" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a positive debate outcome email" it "includes the debate outcome overview" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment]) end it "includes a link to the transcript of the debate" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201509/cmhansrd/cm20150924/debtext/20150924-0003.htm#2015092449#000001]) end it "includes a link to the video of the debate" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/20150924000001]) end end end context "when the debate outcome is negative" do context "when the debate outcome is not filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :not_debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a negative debate outcome email" end context "when the debate outcome is filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :not_debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", overview: "Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a negative debate outcome email" it "includes the debate outcome overview" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment]) end end end end context "when the signature is not the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { signer } subject(:mail) { described_class.notify_signer_of_debate_outcome(petition, signature) } shared_examples_for "a debate outcome email" do it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear Laura Palmer,") end it "sends it only to the signatory" do
  1. describe(notifying signature of debate outcome)::context(when the signature is not the creator)::shared_examples_for(a debate outcome email)::it#sends it only to the signatory has a flog score of 31
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[laurapalmer@hotmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "includes a link to the petition page" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "includes an unsubscribe link" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe\?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}]) end it "has a List-Unsubscribe header" do expect(mail).to have_header("List-Unsubscribe", "<https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}>") end end shared_examples_for "a positive debate outcome email" do it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("Parliament debated “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”") end it "has the positive message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Parliament debated the petition you signed") end end shared_examples_for "a negative debate outcome email" do it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("Parliament didn’t debate “Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel”") end it "has the negative message in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("The Petitions Committee decided not to debate the petition you signed") end end context "when the debate outcome is positive" do context "when the debate outcome is not filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a positive debate outcome email" end context "when the debate outcome is filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", debated_on: "2015-09-24", overview: "Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment", transcript_url: "http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201509/cmhansrd/cm20150924/debtext/20150924-0003.htm#2015092449#000001", video_url: "http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/20150924000001", debate_pack_url: "http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2015-0001" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a positive debate outcome email" it "includes the debate outcome overview" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment]) end it "includes a link to the transcript of the debate" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201509/cmhansrd/cm20150924/debtext/20150924-0003.htm#2015092449#000001]) end it "includes a link to the video of the debate" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/20150924000001]) end end end context "when the debate outcome is negative" do context "when the debate outcome is not filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :not_debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a negative debate outcome email" end context "when the debate outcome is filled out" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :not_debated, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables", overview: "Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment" ) end it_behaves_like "a debate outcome email" it_behaves_like "a negative debate outcome email" it "includes the debate outcome overview" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Discussion of the 2015 Christmas Adjournment]) end end end end end describe "emailing a signature" do let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end let(:email) do FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition_email, subject: "This is a message from the committee", body: "Message body from the petition committee", petition: petition ) end shared_examples_for "a petition email" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail).to have_subject("This is a message from the committee") end it "addresses the signatory by name" do expect(mail).to have_body_text("Dear #{signature.name},") end it "sends it only to the signatory" do
  1. describe(emailing a signature)::shared_examples_for(a petition email)::it#sends it only to the signatory has a flog score of 34
expect(mail.to).to eq([signature.email]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "includes a link to the petition page" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/#{petition.id}]) end it "includes an unsubscribe link" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe\?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}]) end it "has a List-Unsubscribe header" do expect(mail).to have_header("List-Unsubscribe", "<https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=#{signature.unsubscribe_token}>") end it "includes the message body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Message body from the petition committee]) end end context "when the signature is the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { creator } subject(:mail) { described_class.email_creator(petition, signature, email) } it_behaves_like "a petition email" it "identifies them as the creator" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%[You recently created the petition]) end end context "when the signature is not the creator" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:signature) { signer } subject(:mail) { described_class.email_signer(petition, signature, email) } it_behaves_like "a petition email" it "identifies them as a ordinary signature" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%[You recently signed the petition]) end end end end