
spec/mailers / sponsor_mailer_spec.rb

198 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
20 churn
366.33 complexity
178 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe SponsorMailer, type: :mailer do let :creator do FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, name: "Barry Butler", email: "bazbutler@gmail.com", creator: true) end let :petition do FactoryBot.create(:pending_petition, creator: creator, action: "Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel", background: "Add vans to permitted users of red diesel", additional_details: "To promote organic vegetables" ) end let :sponsor do FactoryBot.create(:sponsor, :pending, name: "Ally Adams", email: 'allyadams@outlook.com', petition: petition) end describe "#petition_and_email_confirmation_for_sponsor" do subject(:mail) { described_class.petition_and_email_confirmation_for_sponsor(sponsor) } it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail.subject).to eq("Please confirm your email address") end it "sends it only to the sponsor" do
  1. describe(#petition_and_email_confirmation_for_sponsor)::it#sends it only to the sponsor has a flog score of 28
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[allyadams@outlook.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "includes the creator's name in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Barry Butler]) end it "includes the verification url for the sponsor's signature" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[https://petition.parliament.uk/sponsors/#{sponsor.id}/verify\?token=#{sponsor.perishable_token}]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "includes the petition background" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Add vans to permitted users of red diesel]) end it "includes the petition additional details" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[To promote organic vegetables]) end end describe "#sponsor_signed_email_below_threshold" do subject(:mail) { described_class.sponsor_signed_email_below_threshold(sponsor) } context "when the number of supporters is 1" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do allow(petition).to receive_message_chain(:sponsors, :validated, :count).and_return(1) end it "pluralizes supporters correctly" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[You have 1 supporter so far]) end end context "when the number of supporters is more than 1" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do allow(petition).to receive_message_chain(:sponsors, :validated, :count).and_return(2) end it "pluralizes supporters correctly" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[You have 2 supporters so far]) end end end describe "#sponsor_signed_email_on_threshold" do subject(:mail) { described_class.sponsor_signed_email_on_threshold(sponsor) } before do allow(petition).to receive_message_chain(:sponsors, :validated, :count).and_return(5) end shared_examples_for "a sponsor signed on threshold email" do it "has the correct subject" do expect(mail.subject).to eq("We’re checking your petition") end it "sends it only to the creator" do
  1. describe(#sponsor_signed_email_on_threshold)::shared_examples_for(a sponsor signed on threshold email)::it#sends it only to the creator has a flog score of 30
expect(mail.to).to eq(%w[bazbutler@gmail.com]) expect(mail.cc).to be_blank expect(mail.bcc).to be_blank end it "includes the creator's name in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Barry Butler]) end it "includes the sponsor's name in the body" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Ally Adams]) end it "includes the petition action" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[Allow organic vegetable vans to use red diesel]) end it "doesn't include the petition background" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[Add vans to permitted users of red diesel]) end it "doesn't include the petition additional details" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[To promote organic vegetables]) end it "includes the sponsor count" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[5 people have supported your petition so far]) end it "tells the creator that the petition is being checked" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[We’re checking your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards]) end end context "before the Christmas period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2017-12-21") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "doesn't include the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[over the Christmas period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end context "during the Christmas period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2017-12-26") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "includes the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[over the Christmas period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end context "after the Christmas period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2018-01-05") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "doesn't include the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[over the Christmas period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end context "before the Easter period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2018-03-29") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "doesn't include the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[over the Easter period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end context "during the Easter period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2018-04-01") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "includes the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).to have_body_text(%r[over the Easter period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end context "after the Easter period" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
around do |example| travel_to("2018-04-10") { example.run } end it_behaves_like "a sponsor signed on threshold email" it "doesn't include the moderation delay message" do expect(mail).not_to have_body_text(%r[over the Easter period it will take us a little longer than usual]) end end end end