
spec/models / admin_user_spec.rb

428 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
18 churn
1085.36 complexity
506 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe AdminUser, type: :model do describe "schema" do
  1. describe#schema has a flog score of 145
it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:email).of_type(:string).with_options(null: false) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:persistence_token).of_type(:string) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:crypted_password).of_type(:string) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:password_salt).of_type(:string) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:login_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(default: 0) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:failed_login_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(default: 0) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:current_login_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:last_login_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:current_login_ip).of_type(:string) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:last_login_ip).of_type(:string) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:role).of_type(:string).with_options(limit: 10, null: false) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:force_password_reset).of_type(:boolean).with_options(default: true) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:password_changed_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:created_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:updated_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:last_request_at).of_type(:datetime) } end describe "indexes" do
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it { is_expected.to have_db_index([:email]).unique } it { is_expected.to have_db_index([:last_name, :first_name]) } end describe "behaviours" do it { expect(AdminUser.respond_to?(:acts_as_authentic)).to be_truthy } end describe "defaults" do it "force_password_reset should default to true" do u = AdminUser.new expect(u.force_password_reset).to be_truthy end end describe "validations" do
  1. describe#validations has a flog score of 52
it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:password) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:email) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:first_name) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:last_name) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:password).is_at_least(8) } it { is_expected.to allow_value("oliver@opsb.co.uk").for(:email)} it { is_expected.not_to allow_value("jimbo").for(:email) } it "should validate uniqueness of email" do FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:email).case_insensitive end it "should only allow passwords with a digit, lower and upper case alpha and a special char" do ['Letmein1!', 'Letmein1_', '1Ab*aaaa'].each do |email| u = FactoryBot.build(:moderator_user, :password => email, :password_confirmation => email) expect(u).to be_valid end end it "should not allow passwords without a digit, lower and upper case alpha and a special char" do ['Letmein1', 'hell$0123', '^%ttttFFFFF', 'KJDL_3444'].each do |email| u = FactoryBot.build(:moderator_user, :password => email, :password_confirmation => email) expect(u).not_to be_valid end end it "should allow sysadmin role" do u = FactoryBot.build(:admin_user, :role => 'sysadmin') expect(u).to be_valid end it "should allow moderator role" do u = FactoryBot.build(:admin_user, :role => 'moderator') expect(u).to be_valid end it "should disallow other roles" do u = FactoryBot.build(:admin_user, :role => 'unheard_of') expect(u).not_to be_valid end end describe "scopes" do before :each do @user1 = FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user, :first_name => 'Ronald', :last_name => 'Reagan') @user2 = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :first_name => 'Bill', :last_name => 'Clinton') end describe ".by_name" do it "should return admin users by name" do expect(AdminUser.by_name).to eq([@user2, @user1]) end end describe ".by_role" do it "should return moderator users" do expect(AdminUser.by_role(AdminUser::MODERATOR_ROLE)).to eq([@user2]) end end end describe "instance methods" do describe "#update_with_password" do let!(:user) do FactoryBot.create( :sysadmin_user, password: "Testing!23", password_confirmation: "Testing!23", password_changed_at: nil, force_password_reset: true ) end let(:params) do { current_password: current_password, password: password, password_confirmation: password_confirmation } end let(:current_password) { "Testing!23" } let(:password) { "NewP4ssword!" } let(:password_confirmation) { "NewP4ssword!" } context "when the new password is valid" do it "returns true" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_truthy end it "changes the crypted_password field" do expect { user.update_with_password(params) }.to change { user.reload.crypted_password } end it "sets the timestamp for when the password was changed" do
  1. describe(instance methods)::describe(#update_with_password)::context(when the new password is valid)::it#sets the timestamp for when the password was changed has a flog score of 34
expect { user.update_with_password(params) }.to change { user.reload.password_changed_at }.from(nil).to(be_within(1.second).of(Time.current)) end it "clears the force password reset flag" do
  1. describe(instance methods)::describe(#update_with_password)::context(when the new password is valid)::it#clears the force password reset flag has a flog score of 25
expect { user.update_with_password(params) }.to change { user.reload.force_password_reset }.from(true).to(false) end end context "when the current password is missing" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:current_password) { "" } it "returns false" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_falsey end it "adds an error" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.errors[:current_password]).to eq(["Current password can't be blank"]) end it "doesn't clear the force password reset flag" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.force_password_reset).to be true end it "doesn't set the password_changed_at timestamp" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.password_changed_at).to be_nil end end context "when the current password is incorrect" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:current_password) { "L3tme!n" } it "returns false" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_falsey end it "adds an error" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.errors[:current_password]).to eq(["Current password is incorrect"]) end it "doesn't clear the force password reset flag" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.force_password_reset).to be true end it "doesn't set the password_changed_at timestamp" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.password_changed_at).to be_nil end end context "when the new password is the same as the old password" do let(:password) { current_password } let(:password_confirmation) { current_password } it "returns false" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_falsey end it "adds an error" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.errors[:password]).to eq(["Password is the same as the current password"]) end it "doesn't clear the force password reset flag" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.force_password_reset).to be true end it "doesn't set the password_changed_at timestamp" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.password_changed_at).to be_nil end end context "when the new password is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:password) { "password" } let(:password_confirmation) { "password" } it "returns false" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_falsey end it "adds an error" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.errors[:password]).to eq(["Password must contain at least one digit, a lower and upper case letter and a special character"]) end it "doesn't clear the force password reset flag" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.force_password_reset).to be true end it "doesn't set the password_changed_at timestamp" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.password_changed_at).to be_nil end end context "when the new password doesn't match the confirmation" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:password) { "L3tme!n1" } let(:password_confirmation) { "L3tme!n2" } it "returns false" do expect(user.update_with_password(params)).to be_falsey end it "adds an error" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.errors[:password_confirmation]).to eq(["Password confirmation doesn't match password"]) end it "doesn't clear the force password reset flag" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.force_password_reset).to be true end it "doesn't set the password_changed_at timestamp" do user.update_with_password(params) expect(user.password_changed_at).to be_nil end end end describe "#destroy" do context "when there is no current user and there is more than one" do let!(:user_1) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } let!(:user_2) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } it "returns true" do expect(user_1.destroy(current_user: nil)).to be_truthy end end context "when the user is not current and there is more than one" do let!(:user_1) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } let!(:user_2) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } it "returns true" do expect(user_1.destroy(current_user: user_2)).to be_truthy end end context "when the current user is itself" do let!(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } it "raises an AdminUser::CannotDeleteCurrentUser error" do expect { user.destroy(current_user: user.reload) }.to raise_error(AdminUser::CannotDeleteCurrentUser) end end context "when there is only one user left" do let!(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:sysadmin_user) } it "raises an AdminUser::MustBeAtLeastOneAdminUser error" do expect { user.destroy(current_user: nil) }.to raise_error(AdminUser::MustBeAtLeastOneAdminUser) end end end describe "#name" do it "should return a user's name" do user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :first_name => 'Jo', :last_name => 'Public') expect(user.name).to eq('Public, Jo') end end describe "#is_a_sysadmin?" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "should return true when user is a sysadmin" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'sysadmin') expect(user.is_a_sysadmin?).to be_truthy end it "should return false when user is a moderator user" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'moderator') expect(user.is_a_sysadmin?).to be_falsey end end describe "#is_a_moderator?" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "should return true when user is a moderator user" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'moderator') expect(user.is_a_moderator?).to be_truthy end it "should return false when user is a sysadmin" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'sysadmin') expect(user.is_a_moderator?).to be_falsey end end describe "#has_to_change_password?" do it "should be true when force_reset_password is true" do user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :force_password_reset => true) expect(user.has_to_change_password?).to be_truthy end it "should be false when force_reset_password is false" do user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :force_password_reset => false) expect(user.has_to_change_password?).to be_falsey end it "should be true when password was last changed over 9 months ago" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :force_password_reset => false, :password_changed_at => 9.months.ago - 1.minute) expect(user.has_to_change_password?).to be_truthy end it "should be false when password was last changed less than 9 months ago" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user, :force_password_reset => false, :password_changed_at => 9.months.ago + 1.minute) expect(user.has_to_change_password?).to be_falsey end end describe "#can_take_petitions_down?" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
it "is true if the user is a sysadmin" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'sysadmin') expect(user.can_take_petitions_down?).to be_truthy end it "is true if the user is a moderator user" do user = FactoryBot.create(:admin_user, :role => 'moderator') expect(user.can_take_petitions_down?).to be_truthy end end describe "#account_disabled" do it "should return true when user has tried to login 5 times unsuccessfully" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) user.failed_login_count = 5 expect(user.account_disabled).to be_truthy end it "should return true when user has tried to login 6 times unsuccessfully" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) user.failed_login_count = 6 expect(user.account_disabled).to be_truthy end it "should return false when user has tried to login 4 times unsuccessfully" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
user = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) user.failed_login_count = 4 expect(user.account_disabled).to be_falsey end end describe "#account_disabled=" do it "should set the failed login count to 5 when true" do u = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) u.account_disabled = true expect(u.failed_login_count).to eq(5) end it "should set the failed login count to 0 when false" do u = FactoryBot.create(:moderator_user) u.failed_login_count = 5 u.account_disabled = false expect(u.failed_login_count).to eq(0) end end describe "#elapsed_time" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "returns the number of seconds since the last request" do user = FactoryBot.build(:admin_user, last_request_at: 60.seconds.ago) expect(user.elapsed_time).to eq(60) end end describe "#time_remaining" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
it "returns the number of seconds since the last request" do user = FactoryBot.build(:admin_user, last_request_at: 60.seconds.ago) expect(user.elapsed_time).to eq(60) end end end end