
spec/models/constituency / api_query_spec.rb

158 lines of codes
1 methods
229.7 complexity/method
3 churn
229.65 complexity
154 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Constituency::ApiQuery, type: :model do let(:query) { described_class.new } def constituency(external_id, name, ons_code, mp_id = nil, mp_name = nil, mp_date = nil)
  1. constituency has 6 parameters
  2. constituency doesn't depend on instance state (maybe move it to another class?)
if mp_id mp_date = mp_date ? mp_date : "2015-05-07T00:00:00+01:00" end FactoryBot.attributes_for(:constituency, { name: name, external_id: external_id, ons_code: ons_code, mp_id: mp_id, mp_name: mp_name, mp_date: mp_date }) end describe "#fetch" do context "when the request is successful" do context "and an invalid postcode is supplied" do before do stub_api_request_for("SW149RQ").to_return(api_response(:ok, "no_results")) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("SW149RQ")).to eq([]) end end context "and there is a single result" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do stub_api_request_for("N11TY").to_return(api_response(:ok, "single")) end it "returns an array" do expect(query.fetch("N11TY")).to eq([{ name: "Islington South and Finsbury", external_id: "3550", ons_code: "E14000764", mp_id: "1536", mp_name: "Emily Thornberry MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" }]) end end context "and there are multiple constituencies" do before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_return(api_response(:ok, "multiple")) end it "returns an array with multiple entries" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to match([{ name: "Hackney North and Stoke Newington", external_id: "3506", ons_code: "E14000720", mp_id: "172", mp_name: "Ms Diane Abbott MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" },{ name: "Hackney South and Shoreditch", external_id: "3507", ons_code: "E14000721", mp_id: "1524", mp_name: "Meg Hillier MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" },{ name: "Holborn and St Pancras", external_id: "3536", ons_code: "E14000750", mp_id: "4514", mp_name: "Keir Starmer MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" },{ name: "Islington North", external_id: "3549", ons_code: "E14000763", mp_id: "185", mp_name: "Jeremy Corbyn MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" },{ name: "Islington South and Finsbury", external_id: "3550", ons_code: "E14000764", mp_id: "1536", mp_name: "Emily Thornberry MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" }]) end end context "when the MP has changed" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do stub_api_request_for("N1C4QP").to_return(api_response(:ok, "changed")) end it "returns an array with the last MP" do expect(query.fetch("N1C4QP")).to eq([{ name: "Holborn and St Pancras", external_id: "3536", ons_code: "E14000750", mp_id: "4514", mp_name: "Keir Starmer MP", mp_date: "2015-05-07T00:00:00" }]) end end context "when there is no sitting MP" do before do stub_api_request_for("N11TY").to_return(api_response(:ok, "no_mps")) end it "handles a constituency without an MP" do expect(query.fetch("N11TY")).to eq([{ name: "Islington South and Finsbury", external_id: "3550", ons_code: "E14000764" }]) end end context "when the current MP has passed away" do before do stub_api_request_for("S48AA").to_return(api_response(:ok, "vacant")) end it "sets the MP details to nil" do expect(query.fetch("S48AA")).to eq([{ name: "Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough", external_id: "3724", ons_code: "E14000921", mp_id: nil, mp_name: nil, mp_date: nil }]) end end end context "when the request is unsuccessful" do context "when the API is not responding" do before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_timeout end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to eq([]) end end context "when the API connection is blocked" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_return(api_response(:proxy_authentication_required)) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to eq([]) end end context "when the API can't be found" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_return(api_response(:not_found)) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to eq([]) end end context "when the API can't find the resource" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_return(api_response(:not_acceptable)) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to eq([]) end end context "when the API is returning an internal server error" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
before do stub_api_request_for("N1").to_return(api_response(:internal_server_error)) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(query.fetch("N1")).to eq([]) end end end end end