
spec/models/petition / statistics_spec.rb

124 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
2 churn
256.78 complexity
130 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Petition::Statistics, type: :model do it "has a valid factory" do expect(FactoryBot.build(:petition_statistics)).to be_valid end describe "associations" do it { is_expected.to belong_to(:petition) } end describe "indexes" do it { is_expected.to have_db_index([:petition_id]) } end describe "callbacks", with_commits: true do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } it "enqueues a job on create" do expect { petition.create_statistics! }.to change { enqueued_jobs.size }.by(1) end it "doesn't enqueue a job on update" do petition.create_statistics! expect { petition.statistics.refresh! }.not_to change { enqueued_jobs.size } end end describe "#refreshed?" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
context "when the statistics have never been updated" do let(:statistics) { FactoryBot.build(:petition_statistics, refreshed_at: nil) } it "returns false" do expect(statistics.refreshed?).to eq(false) end end context "when the statistics have been updated" do let(:statistics) { FactoryBot.build(:petition_statistics, refreshed_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "returns true" do expect(statistics.refreshed?).to eq(true) end end end describe "#refresh!" do let!(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } let!(:statistics) { FactoryBot.create(:petition_statistics, petition: petition, refreshed_at: nil) } it "updates the refreshed_at timestamp" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
  2. describe(#refresh!)::it#updates the refreshed_at timestamp has a flog score of 29
expect { statistics.refresh! }.to change { statistics.reload.refreshed_at }.from(nil).to(be_within(1.second).of(Time.current)) end context "when there are no duplicate emails" do it "updates the duplicate_emails count" do expect { statistics.refresh! }.to change { statistics.reload.duplicate_emails }.from(nil).to(0) end end context "when there are duplicate emails" do let!(:alice) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition, name: "Alice", email: "aliceandbob@example.com") } let!(:bob) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition, name: "Bob", email: "aliceandbob@example.com") } it "updates the duplicate_emails count" do
  1. describe(#refresh!)::context(when there are duplicate emails)::it#updates the duplicate_emails count has a flog score of 33
perform_enqueued_jobs do alice.validate! bob.validate! end expect { statistics.refresh! }.to change { statistics.reload.duplicate_emails }.from(nil).to(1) end end context "when there are no pending signatures" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, petition: petition) end it "updates the pending_rate value" do expect { statistics.refresh! }.to change { statistics.reload.pending_rate }.from(nil).to(0) end end context "when there are pending signatures" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
before do FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition) end it "updates the pending_rate value" do expect { statistics.refresh! }.to change { statistics.reload.pending_rate }.from(nil).to(50) end end end end