
spec/models / rate_limit_spec.rb

1037 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
15 churn
2385.5 complexity
1445 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe RateLimit, type: :model do subject { described_class.create! } describe "validations" do
  1. describe#validations has a flog score of 206
it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:burst_rate) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:burst_rate).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:burst_period) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:burst_period).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:sustained_rate) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:sustained_rate).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:sustained_period) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:sustained_period).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:allowed_domains).is_at_most(10000) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:allowed_ips).is_at_most(10000) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:blocked_domains).is_at_most(50000) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:blocked_ips).is_at_most(50000) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:countries).is_at_most(2000) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:country_burst_rate) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:country_burst_rate).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:country_sustained_rate) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:country_sustained_rate).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:threshold_for_logging_trending_items) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:threshold_for_logging_trending_items).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:threshold_for_notifying_trending_items) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:threshold_for_notifying_trending_items).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:ignored_domains).is_at_most(10000) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:threshold_for_form_entry) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:threshold_for_form_entry).only_integer.is_greater_than_or_equal_to(0) } context "when the sustained rate is less than the burst rate" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do subject.update(sustained_rate: 10, burst_rate: 20) end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the sustained rate is less than the burst rate)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:sustained_rate]).to include("Sustained rate must be greater than burst rate") end end context "when the sustained period is less than the burst period" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do subject.update(sustained_period: 30, burst_period: 60) end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the sustained period is less than the burst period)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:sustained_period]).to include("Sustained period must be greater than burst period") end end context "when the country sustained rate is less than the country burst rate" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
before do subject.update(country_sustained_rate: 10, country_burst_rate: 20) end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the country sustained rate is less than the country burst rate)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:country_sustained_rate]).to include("Country sustained rate must be greater than country burst rate") end end context "when the allowed domain list is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
before do subject.update(allowed_domains: "(foo") end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the allowed domain list is invalid)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:allowed_domains]).to include("Allowed domains list is invalid") end end context "when the allowed IPs list is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
before do subject.update(allowed_ips: "foo") end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the allowed IPs list is invalid)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:allowed_ips]).to include("Allowed IPs list is invalid") end end context "when the blocked domain list is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
before do subject.update(blocked_domains: "(foo") end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the blocked domain list is invalid)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:blocked_domains]).to include("Blocked domains list is invalid") end end context "when the blocked IPs list is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
before do subject.update(blocked_ips: "foo") end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the blocked IPs list is invalid)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:blocked_ips]).to include("Blocked IPs list is invalid") end end context "when the ignored domain list is invalid" do
  1. Similar code found in 5 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4
before do subject.update(ignored_domains: "(foo") end it "adds an error message" do
  1. describe(validations)::context(when the ignored domain list is invalid)::it#adds an error message has a flog score of 25
expect(subject.valid?).to eq(false) expect(subject.errors[:ignored_domains]).to include("Ignored domains list is invalid") end end end describe "#exceeded?" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition) } let(:allowed_domains) { "" } let(:allowed_ips) { "" } let(:blocked_domains) { "" } let(:blocked_ips) { "" } let(:countries) { "" } let(:geoblocking_enabled) { false } let(:country_rate_limits_enabled) { false } subject do described_class.create!( burst_rate: 10, burst_period: 60, sustained_rate: 20, sustained_period: 300, allowed_domains: allowed_domains, allowed_ips: allowed_ips, blocked_domains: blocked_domains, blocked_ips: blocked_ips, countries: countries, geoblocking_enabled: geoblocking_enabled, country_rate_limits_enabled: country_rate_limits_enabled, country_burst_rate: 20, country_sustained_rate: 120 ) end shared_examples_for "allowed domains" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:allowed_domains) { "foo.com\n*.bar.com\n**.baz.com\n" } it "returns true when the domain is not allowed" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("example.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns false when the domain is allowed" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns false when the domain is allowed by a grep pattern" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.bar.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns false when the domain is allowed by a recursive grep pattern" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.bar.baz.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end end shared_examples_for "blocked domains" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:blocked_domains) { "foo.com\n*.bar.com\n**.baz.com\n" } it "returns false when the domain is not blocked" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("example.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns true when the domain is blocked" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true when the domain is blocked by a grep pattern" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.bar.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true when the domain is blocked by a recursive grep pattern" do allow(signature).to receive(:domain).and_return("foo.bar.baz.com") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end shared_examples_for "allowed IPs" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:allowed_ips) { "\n10.0.1.2/32\n10.0.2.0/28\n" } it "returns true when the IP address is not allowed" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns false when the IP address is allowed" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns false when the IP address is allowed by a CIDR address" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns false when the IP address is allowed by a CIDR range" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end end shared_examples_for "blocked IPs" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let(:blocked_ips) { "\n10.0.1.2/32\n10.0.2.0/28\n" } it "returns false when the IP address is not blocked" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns true when the IP address is blocked" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true when the IP address is blocked by a CIDR address" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true when the IP address is blocked by a CIDR range" do allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end shared_examples_for "GeoIP blocking" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::shared_examples_for#GeoIP blocking has a flog score of 63
let(:geoblocking_enabled) { true } let(:countries) { "United Kingdom" } let(:geoip_db_path) { "/path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" } let(:geoip_db) { double(:geoip_db) } let(:geoip_result) { double(:geoip_result) } let(:country) { double(:country) } before do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
allow(MaxMindDB).to receive(:new).with(geoip_db_path).and_return(geoip_db) allow(geoip_db).to receive(:lookup).with("").and_return(geoip_result) allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") allow(geoip_result).to receive(:found?).and_return(true) allow(geoip_result).to receive(:country).and_return(country) end it "returns false when the country is allowed" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("United Kingdom") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns true when the country is not allowed" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("Neverland") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true when a result is not found" do allow(geoip_result).to receive(:found?).and_return(false) expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end context "when both rates are below the threshold" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::context#when both rates are below the threshold has a flog score of 34
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(5) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(10) end it "returns false" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it_behaves_like "blocked domains" it_behaves_like "blocked IPs" it_behaves_like "GeoIP blocking" end context "when the burst rate is above the threshold" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. describe(#exceeded?)::context#when the burst rate is above the threshold has a flog score of 32
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(15) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(10) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it_behaves_like "allowed domains" it_behaves_like "allowed IPs" end context "when the sustained rate is above the threshold" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. describe(#exceeded?)::context#when the sustained rate is above the threshold has a flog score of 32
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(5) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(30) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it_behaves_like "allowed domains" it_behaves_like "allowed IPs" end context "when both rates are above the threshold" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
  2. describe(#exceeded?)::context#when both rates are above the threshold has a flog score of 32
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(15) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(30) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it_behaves_like "allowed domains" it_behaves_like "allowed IPs" end context "when country rate limits are enabled" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::context#when country rate limits are enabled has a flog score of 63
let(:country_rate_limits_enabled) { true } let(:countries) { "United Kingdom" } let(:geoip_db_path) { "/path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" } let(:geoip_db) { double(:geoip_db) } let(:geoip_result) { double(:geoip_result) } let(:country) { double(:country) } before do
  1. Identical code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
allow(MaxMindDB).to receive(:new).with(geoip_db_path).and_return(geoip_db) allow(geoip_db).to receive(:lookup).with("").and_return(geoip_result) allow(signature).to receive(:ip_address).and_return("") allow(geoip_result).to receive(:found?).and_return(true) allow(geoip_result).to receive(:country).and_return(country) end context "and both rates are below the default threshold" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::context(when country rate limits are enabled)::context#and both rates are below the default threshold has a flog score of 31
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(5) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(10) end it "returns false for allowed countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("United Kingdom") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns false for other countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("France") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end end context "and both rates are below the country threshold but above the default threshold" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::context(when country rate limits are enabled)::context#and both rates are below the country threshold but above the default threshold has a flog score of 31
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(15) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(70) end it "returns false for allowed countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("United Kingdom") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(false) end it "returns true for other countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("France") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end context "and both rates are above the country threshold" do
  1. describe(#exceeded?)::context(when country rate limits are enabled)::context#and both rates are above the country threshold has a flog score of 31
before do allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(60).and_return(65) allow(signature).to receive(:rate).with(300).and_return(130) end it "returns true for allowed countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("United Kingdom") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end it "returns true for other countries" do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("France") expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end end describe "checking form entry duration" do let(:form_token) { "S7lqpOv8zEvROaq3bJE8" } before do allow(subject).to receive(:threshold_for_form_entry?).and_return(true) allow(subject).to receive(:threshold_for_form_entry).and_return(5) end context "when images haven't been loaded" do let(:signature) do FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition, image_loaded_at: nil, form_token: form_token, form_requested_at: 5.minutes.ago, created_at: 3.minutes.ago ) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end context "when the form duration is too short" do let(:signature) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition, image_loaded_at: 5.minutes.ago, form_token: form_token, form_requested_at: 5.minutes.ago, created_at: 5.minutes.ago ) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end context "when the form token has been reused" do let(:signature) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, petition: petition, image_loaded_at: 5.minutes.ago, form_token: form_token, form_requested_at: 5.minutes.ago, created_at: 3.minutes.ago ) end before do FactoryBot.create(:validated_signature, form_token: form_token, petition: petition) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.exceeded?(signature)).to eq(true) end end end end describe "#ignore_domain?" do let(:domain) { "example.com" } let(:allowed_domains) { "" } let(:blocked_domains) { "" } subject do described_class.create!( allowed_domains: allowed_domains, blocked_domains: blocked_domains, ) end context "when the domain isn't on either list" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.ignore_domain?(domain)).to eq(false) end end context "when the ip domain is on the allow list" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:allowed_domains) { "example.com" } it "returns true" do expect(subject.ignore_domain?(domain)).to eq(true) end end context "when the domain is on the block list" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:blocked_domains) { "example.com" } it "returns true" do expect(subject.ignore_domain?(domain)).to eq(true) end end end describe "#ignore_ip?" do
  1. describe##ignore_ip? has a flog score of 62
let(:ip_address) { "" } let(:allowed_ips) { "" } let(:blocked_ips) { "" } let(:countries) { "" } let(:geoblocking_enabled) { false } let(:geoip_db_path) { "/path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" } let(:geoip_db) { double(:geoip_db) } let(:geoip_result) { double(:geoip_result) } let(:country) { double(:country) } subject do described_class.create!( allowed_ips: allowed_ips, blocked_ips: blocked_ips, countries: countries, geoblocking_enabled: geoblocking_enabled ) end before do allow(MaxMindDB).to receive(:new).with(geoip_db_path).and_return(geoip_db) allow(geoip_db).to receive(:lookup).with("").and_return(geoip_result) allow(geoip_result).to receive(:found?).and_return(true) allow(geoip_result).to receive(:country).and_return(country) end context "when geoip blocking is disabled" do context "and the ip address isn't on either list" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.ignore_ip?(ip_address)).to eq(false) end end context "and the ip address is on the allow list" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:allowed_ips) { "" } it "returns true" do expect(subject.ignore_ip?(ip_address)).to eq(true) end end context "and the ip address is on the block list" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let(:blocked_ips) { "" } it "returns true" do expect(subject.ignore_ip?(ip_address)).to eq(true) end end end context "when geoip blocking is enabled" do let(:countries) { "United Kingdom" } let(:geoblocking_enabled) { true } context "and the ip address is from an allowed country" do before do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("United Kingdom") end it "returns false" do expect(subject.ignore_ip?(ip_address)).to eq(false) end end context "and the ip address is from a blocked country" do before do allow(country).to receive(:name).and_return("France") end it "returns true" do expect(subject.ignore_ip?(ip_address)).to eq(true) end end end end describe "#allowed_domains=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(allowed_domains: " foo.com\r\nbar.com\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.allowed_domains).to eq("foo.com\nbar.com") end end describe "#allowed_ips=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(allowed_ips: "\r\n10.0.1.1/32\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.allowed_ips).to eq("\n10.0.1.1/32") end end describe "#blocked_domains=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(blocked_domains: " foo.com\r\nbar.com\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.blocked_domains).to eq("foo.com\nbar.com") end end describe "#blocked_ips=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(blocked_ips: "\r\n10.0.1.1/32\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.blocked_ips).to eq("\n10.0.1.1/32") end end describe "#ignored_domains=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(ignored_domains: " foo.com\r\nbar.com\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.ignored_domains).to eq("foo.com\nbar.com") end end describe "#countries=" do
  1. Similar code found in 6 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3 4 5
subject do described_class.new(countries: " United Kingdom\r\nIreland\r\n") end it "normalizes line endings and strips whitespace" do expect(subject.countries).to eq("United Kingdom\nIreland") end end describe "#allowed_domains_list" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
subject do described_class.create!(allowed_domains: allowed_domains) end context "when there is extra whitespace" do let :allowed_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do let :allowed_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are line comments" do let :allowed_domains do <<-EOF # This is a test foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do let :allowed_domains do <<-EOF foo.com # This is a test bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end end describe "#allowed_ips_list" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
subject do described_class.create!(allowed_ips: allowed_ips) end let(:ip_addr_1) { IPAddr.new("") } let(:ip_addr_2) { IPAddr.new("") } context "when there is extra whitespace" do let :allowed_ips do <<-EOF EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do let :allowed_ips do <<-EOF EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are line comments" do let :allowed_ips do <<-EOF # This is a test EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do let :allowed_ips do <<-EOF # This is a test EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end end describe "#blocked_domains_list" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
subject do described_class.create!(blocked_domains: blocked_domains) end context "when there is extra whitespace" do let :blocked_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do let :blocked_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are line comments" do let :blocked_domains do <<-EOF # This is a test foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do let :blocked_domains do <<-EOF foo.com # This is a test bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_domains_list).to eq([/\Afoo.com\z/, /\Abar.com\z/]) end end end describe "#blocked_ips_list" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
subject do described_class.create!(blocked_ips: blocked_ips) end let(:ip_addr_1) { IPAddr.new("") } let(:ip_addr_2) { IPAddr.new("") } context "when there is extra whitespace" do let :blocked_ips do <<-EOF EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do let :blocked_ips do <<-EOF EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are line comments" do let :blocked_ips do <<-EOF # This is a test EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do let :blocked_ips do <<-EOF # This is a test EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.blocked_ips_list).to eq([ip_addr_1, ip_addr_2]) end end end describe "#ignored_domains_list" do subject do described_class.create!(ignored_domains: ignored_domains) end context "when there is extra whitespace" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let :ignored_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.ignored_domains_list).to eq(%w[foo.com bar.com]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let :ignored_domains do <<-EOF foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.ignored_domains_list).to eq(%w[foo.com bar.com]) end end context "when there are line comments" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let :ignored_domains do <<-EOF # This is a test foo.com bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.ignored_domains_list).to eq(%w[foo.com bar.com]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do
  1. Similar code found in 4 nodes Locations: 0 1 2 3
let :ignored_domains do <<-EOF foo.com # This is a test bar.com EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.ignored_domains_list).to eq(%w[foo.com bar.com]) end end end describe "#allowed_countries" do subject do described_class.create!(countries: countries) end let(:country_1) { "United Kingdom" } let(:country_2) { "Ireland" } context "when there is extra whitespace" do let :countries do <<-EOF United Kingdom Ireland EOF end it "is is stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_countries).to eq([country_1, country_2]) end end context "when there are blank lines" do let :countries do <<-EOF United Kingdom Ireland EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_countries).to eq([country_1, country_2]) end end context "when there are line comments" do let :countries do <<-EOF # This is a test United Kingdom Ireland EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_countries).to eq([country_1, country_2]) end end context "when there are inline comments" do let :countries do <<-EOF United Kingdom # This is a test Ireland EOF end it "they are stripped" do expect(subject.allowed_countries).to eq([country_1, country_2]) end end end end