
spec/models / taggable_examples.rb

199 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
2 churn
677.49 complexity
328 duplications
RSpec.shared_examples_for "a taggable model" do it { is_expected.to have_db_column(:tags).of_type(:integer).with_options(array: true, null: false, default: []) } it { is_expected.to have_db_index(:tags) } it "validates the existence of the tags" do subject.update(tags: [999]) expect(subject.errors[:tags]).to eq(["The submitted tags were invalid - please reselect and try again"]) end let(:factory) { described_class.model_name.singular.to_sym } describe ".tagged_with" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let!(:tag_1) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:tag_2) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:model_1) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: []) } let!(:model_2) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id]) } let!(:model_3) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id, tag_2.id]) } let!(:model_4) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_2.id]) } context "when using no tags" do it "returns all models" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([])).to include(model_1, model_2, model_3, model_4) end end context "when using one tag" do it "returns all models tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id])).to include(model_2, model_3) end it "doesn't return models that aren't tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end context "when using multiple tags" do it "returns all models tagged with both tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).to include(model_3) end it "doesn't return models that are tagged with only one of the tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).not_to include(model_2, model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end end describe ".tagged_with_all" do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
let!(:tag_1) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:tag_2) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:model_1) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: []) } let!(:model_2) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id]) } let!(:model_3) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id, tag_2.id]) } let!(:model_4) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_2.id]) } context "when using no tags" do it "returns all models" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([])).to include(model_1, model_2, model_3, model_4) end end context "when using one tag" do it "returns all models tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id])).to include(model_2, model_3) end it "doesn't return models that aren't tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end context "when using multiple tags" do it "returns all models tagged with both tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).to include(model_3) end it "doesn't return models that are tagged with only one of the tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).not_to include(model_2, model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_all([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end end describe ".tagged_with_any" do let!(:tag_1) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:tag_2) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:model_1) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: []) } let!(:model_2) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id]) } let!(:model_3) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_1.id, tag_2.id]) } let!(:model_4) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag_2.id]) } context "when using no tags" do it "returns no models" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([])).to be_empty end end context "when using one tag" do it "returns all models tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id])).to include(model_2, model_3) end it "doesn't return models that aren't tagged with that tag" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end context "when using multiple tags" do it "returns all models tagged with both tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).to include(model_3) end it "returns models that are tagged with only one of the tags" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).to include(model_2, model_4) end it "doesn't return models that are untagged" do expect(described_class.tagged_with_any([tag_1.id, tag_2.id])).not_to include(model_1) end end end describe ".untagged" do let!(:tag) { FactoryBot.create(:tag) } let!(:model_1) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: []) } let!(:model_2) { FactoryBot.create(factory, tags: [tag.id]) } it "returns untagged models" do expect(described_class.untagged).to include(model_1) end it "doesn't return tagged models" do expect(described_class.untagged).not_to include(model_2) end end describe ".normalize_tags" do it "removes non-numeric strings" do expect(described_class.normalize_tags(["foo"])).to eq([]) end it "removes zero strings" do expect(described_class.normalize_tags(["0"])).to eq([]) end it "removes nil values" do expect(described_class.normalize_tags([nil])).to eq([]) end it "converts strings to integers" do expect(described_class.normalize_tags(["1"])).to eq([1]) end end describe "#normalize_tags" do it "delegates to the class method" do expect(described_class).to receive(:normalize_tags).with(["foo"]).and_call_original expect(subject.normalize_tags(["foo"])).to eq([]) end end describe "#tags=" do it "normalizes tag values" do subject.tags = ["foo", nil, "0", 0, "1", 2] expect(subject.tags).to eq([1, 2]) end end describe "#tag_names" do before do foo = FactoryBot.create(:tag, name: "Foo") bar = FactoryBot.create(:tag, name: "Bar") subject.tags = [foo.id, bar.id] end it "returns the array of tag names" do expect(subject.tag_names).to eq(%w[Foo Bar]) end end end