
spec/requests / invalid_encoding_spec.rb

57 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
1 churn
97.14 complexity
111 duplications
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe "invalid encoding", type: :request do describe "when sponsoring a petition" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_petition, sponsor_token: "foobar") } it "raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception" do expect { get "/petitions/#{petition.id}/sponsors/new?token=foobar%91" }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Unable to find Petition with sponsor token: "foobar�"') end end describe "when validating a sponsor signature" do let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:validated_petition) } let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, sponsor: true, perishable_token: "foobar", petition: petition)} it "raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception" do expect { get "/sponsors/#{signature.id}/verify?token=foobar%91" }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Unable to find Signature with token: "foobar�"') end end describe "when validating a signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, perishable_token: "foobar", petition: petition)} it "raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception" do expect { get "/signatures/#{signature.id}/verify?token=foobar%91" }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Unable to find Signature with token: "foobar�"') end end describe "when unsubscribing a signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:open_petition) } let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:pending_signature, unsubscribe_token: "foobar", petition: petition)} it "raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception" do expect { get "/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=foobar%91" }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Unable to find Signature with unsubscribe token: "foobar�"') end end describe "when unsubscribing an archived signature" do
  1. Similar code found in 3 nodes Locations: 0 1 2
let(:petition) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition) } let(:signature) { FactoryBot.create(:archived_signature, unsubscribe_token: "foobar", petition: petition)} it "raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception" do expect { get "/archived/signatures/#{signature.id}/unsubscribe?token=foobar%91" }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, 'Unable to find Signature with unsubscribe token: "foobar�"') end end end