
spec/support / routing.rb

215 lines of codes
30 methods
5.7 complexity/method
1 churn
170.3 complexity
21 duplications
module RequestRoutingMatchers
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers has no descriptive comment
URL_PARAMS = %w[protocol host port domain subdomain] class RouteToMatcher
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher has no descriptive comment
attr_reader :scope, :expected delegate :request, :response, to: :scope delegate :params, :path, to: :request delegate :location, :success?, :redirect?, to: :response def initialize(scope, *expected) @expected = expected[1] || {} @scope = scope if Hash === expected[0]
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#initialize calls 'expected[0]' 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#initialize calls 'expected[0]' 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
else controller, action = expected[0].split('#')
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#initialize calls 'expected[0]' 3 times Locations: 0 1 2
@expected.merge!(:controller => controller, :action => action) end @expected.stringify_keys! end def matches?(actual) process(actual) if Hash === actual success? && !redirect? && params_match? end def process(request) method, path = request.first scope.send(method, path) end def failure_message if redirect? "expected #{path.inspect} to route to #{expected.inspect}, but it was redirected to #{location.inspect}"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#failure_message calls 'expected.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#failure_message calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
else "expected #{path.inspect} to route to #{expected.inspect}, but it routes to #{path_params.inspect}"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#failure_message calls 'expected.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
  2. RequestRoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher#failure_message calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
end end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{path.inspect} not to route to #{expected.inspect}" end def description "route #{path.inspect} to #{expected.inspect}" end def params_match? expected.all? { |key, value| params[key] == value } end def path_params params.except(*URL_PARAMS) end end def route_to(*expected) RouteToMatcher.new(self, *expected) end class BeRoutableMatcher
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher has no descriptive comment
attr_reader :scope delegate :request, :response, to: :scope delegate :params, :path, to: :request delegate :location, :success?, :redirect?, to: :response def initialize(scope) @scope = scope end def matches?(actual) process(actual) if Hash === actual success? && !redirect? end def process(request) method, path = request.first scope.send(method, path) end def failure_message if redirect? "expected #{path.inspect} to be routable, but it was redirected to #{location.inspect}"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher#failure_message calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
else "expected #{path.inspect} to be routable"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher#failure_message calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
end end def failure_message_when_negated if redirect? "expected #{path.inspect} not to be routable, but it was redirected to #{location.inspect}"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher#failure_message_when_negated calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
else "expected #{path.inspect} not to be routable, but it routes to #{path_params.inspect}"
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher#failure_message_when_negated calls 'path.inspect' 2 times Locations: 0 1
end end def description "be routable" end def path_params params.except(*URL_PARAMS) end end def be_routable BeRoutableMatcher.new(self) end class RedirectToMatcher
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RedirectToMatcher has no descriptive comment
attr_reader :scope, :location, :status delegate :request, :response, to: :scope delegate :params, :path, to: :request delegate :success?, :redirect?, to: :response def initialize(scope, location, status) @scope, @location, @status = scope, location, status end def matches?(actual) process(actual) if Hash === actual redirect? && matches_location? && matches_status? end def matches_location? response.location == location end def matches_status? status.nil? || response.status == status
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers::RedirectToMatcher#matches_status? performs a nil-check
end def process(request) method, path = request.first scope.send(method, path) end def expected_message "expected #{path.inspect} to redirect to #{location.inspect}" end def failure_message if redirect? "#{expected_message}, but it was redirected to #{response.location.inspect}" elsif success? "#{expected_message}, but it was routed to #{path_params.inspect}" else "#{expected_message}, but it was not routable" end end def failure_message_when_negated "expected #{path.inspect} not to redirect to #{location.inspect}, but it was" end def description "redirect #{path.inspect} to #{location.inspect}" end def path_params params.except(*URL_PARAMS) end end def redirect_to(location, status = nil) RedirectToMatcher.new(self, location, status) end def permanently_redirect_to(location) RedirectToMatcher.new(self, location, 301) end def temporarily_redirect_to(url)
  1. RequestRoutingMatchers#temporarily_redirect_to has unused parameter 'url'
RedirectToMatcher.new(self, location, 302) end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include(RequestRoutingMatchers, type: :routes) config.include(RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup, type: :routes) config.before(:each, type: :routes) do |example|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
if example.metadata[:admin] host! Site.moderate_host_with_port else host! Site.host_with_port end https! end config.around(:each, type: :routes) do |example| begin env_config = Rails.application.env_config show_exceptions = env_config['action_dispatch.show_exceptions'] env_config['action_dispatch.show_exceptions'] = true example.run ensure env_config['action_dispatch.show_exceptions'] = show_exceptions end end config.before(:each, type: :routes) do dispatcher = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher allow_any_instance_of(dispatcher).to receive(:dispatch).and_return( [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ["OK"]] ) end end