
features/step_definitions / debate_outcome_steps.rb

107 lines of codes
0 methods
N/A complexity/method
13 churn
171.13 complexity
89 duplications
Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" has been debated (\d+) days ago?$/) do |petition_action, debated_days_ago| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:debated_petition, action: petition_action, debated_on: debated_days_ago.days.ago.to_date, overview: 'Everyone was in agreement, this petition must be made law!', transcript_url: 'http://transcripts.parliament.example.com/2.html', video_url: 'http://videos.parliament.example.com/2.avi', debate_pack_url: 'http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234' ) @petition.update(debate_outcome_at: debated_days_ago.days.ago) end Given(/^an archived petition "(.*?)" has been debated (\d+) days ago?$/) do |petition_action, debated_days_ago| @petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, :debated, action: petition_action, debate_outcome_at: debated_days_ago.days.ago, debated_on: debated_days_ago.days.ago.to_date, overview: 'Everyone was in agreement, this petition must be made law!', transcript_url: 'http://transcripts.parliament.example.com/2.html', video_url: 'http://videos.parliament.example.com/2.avi', debate_pack_url: 'http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234' ) end Given(/^a petition "(.*?)" has been debated yesterday$/) do |petition_action|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition = FactoryBot.create(:open_petition, action: petition_action, scheduled_debate_date: 1.day.ago, debate_state: 'debated' ) end Given(/^an archived petition "(.*?)" has been debated yesterday$/) do |petition_action|
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition = FactoryBot.create(:archived_petition, action: petition_action, scheduled_debate_date: 1.day.ago, debate_state: 'debated' ) end Then(/^I should see the date of the debate is (\d+) days ago$/) do |debated_days_ago| within :css, '.debate-outcome' do expect(page).to have_content("This topic was debated on #{debated_days_ago.days.ago.to_date.strftime('%-d %B %Y')}") end end Then(/^I should see links to the transcript, video and research$/) do within :css, '.debate-outcome' do expect(page).to have_link('Watch the debate', href: 'http://videos.parliament.example.com/2.avi') expect(page).to have_link('Read the transcript', href: 'http://transcripts.parliament.example.com/2.html') expect(page).to have_link('Read the research', href: 'http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234') end end Then(/^I should see a summary of the debate outcome$/) do within :css, '.debate-outcome' do
  1. Then::within#css has a flog score of 38
expect(page).to have_content('Everyone was in agreement, this petition must be made law!') end end Then(/^the petition should not have debate details$/) do @petition.reload expect(@petition.debate_outcome).to be_nil end When(/^I fill in the debate outcome details$/) do fill_in 'Debated on', with: '18/12/2014' fill_in 'Overview', with: 'Lots of people spoke about it, no consensus achieved.' fill_in 'Transcript URL', with: 'http://transcripts.parliament.example.com/1.html' fill_in 'Video URL', with: 'http://videos.parliament.example.com/1.mp4' fill_in 'Debate Pack URL', with: 'http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234' end Then(/^the petition should have the debate details I provided$/) do
  1. Then#/^the petition should have the debate details I provided$/ has a flog score of 52
@petition.reload expect(@petition.debate_outcome).to be_present expect(@petition.debate_outcome).to be_persisted expect(@petition.debate_outcome.debated_on).to eq '18/12/2014'.to_date expect(@petition.debate_outcome.overview).to eq 'Lots of people spoke about it, no consensus achieved.' expect(@petition.debate_outcome.transcript_url).to eq 'http://transcripts.parliament.example.com/1.html' expect(@petition.debate_outcome.video_url).to eq 'http://videos.parliament.example.com/1.mp4' expect(@petition.debate_outcome.debate_pack_url).to eq 'http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/CDP-2014-1234' end Then(/^the petition creator should have been emailed about the debate$/) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition.reload steps %Q( Then "#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive an email When they open the email Then they should see "Parliament debated your petition" in the email body When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}" ) end Then(/^all the signatories of the petition should have been emailed about the debate$/) do
  1. Similar code found in 2 nodes Locations: 0 1
@petition.reload @petition.signatures.validated.subscribed.where.not(id: @petition.creator.id).each do |signatory| steps %Q( Then "#{signatory.email}" should receive an email When they open the email Then they should see "Parliament debated the petition you signed" in the email body When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}" ) end end