When(/^I fill in the email details$/) do
fill_in "Subject", :with => "Petition email subject"
fill_in "Body", :with => "Petition email body"
Given(/^it has an existing petition email "(.*?)"$/) do |subject|
@email = FactoryBot.create(:petition_email, petition: @petition, subject: subject)
Then(/^the petition should not have any emails$/) do
expect(@petition.emails).to be_empty
Then(/^the petition should have the email details I provided$/) do
@email = @petition.emails.last
expect(@email.subject).to eq("Petition email subject")
expect(@email.body).to match(%r[Petition email body])
expect(@email.sent_by).to eq("Admin User")
Then(/^the petition creator should have been emailed with the update$/) do -
steps %Q(
Then "#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"
Then(/^the petition creator should not have been emailed with the update$/) do
steps %Q(
Then "#{@petition.creator.email}" should receive no emails
Then(/^all the signatories of the petition should have been emailed with the update$/) do -
@petition.signatures.validated.subscribed.where.not(id: @petition.creator.id).each do |signatory|
steps %Q(
Then "#{signatory.email}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"
Then(/^all the signatories of the petition should not have been emailed with the update$/) do
@petition.signatures.validated.subscribed.where.not(id: @petition.creator.id).each do |signatory|
steps %Q(
Then "#{signatory.email}" should receive no emails
Then(/^the feedback email address should have been emailed a copy$/) do
signatory = FeedbackSignature.new(@petition)
steps %Q(
Then "#{signatory.email}" should receive an email
When they open the email
Then they should see "Petition email body" in the email body
When they follow "#{petition_url(@petition)}" in the email
Then I should be on the petition page for "#{@petition.action}"
Then(/^the feedback email address should not have been emailed a copy$/) do
signatory = FeedbackSignature.new(@petition)
steps %Q(
Then "#{signatory.email}" should receive no emails